Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Jake Tapper Sends Demure Nudes

Josh Kraushaar fabricated a quote from Rashida Tlaib, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash ran with it, the governor of Michigan was bullied into condemning her, and it's now one of those "truthy" things that everyone is just pretending happened even though it didn't. Sure she did't say it, but what if we imagine she did? I dunno, man, when Dems repeatedly can't even stand up for one of their own when she faces a barrage of lies and bigotry as her people are being slaughtered...

This kind of thing was common in the post-9/11 era. Just outright fabricate a quote, then  argue that's what the person really meant, and everyone would proceed as if the fake quote was real.

When you're a star, they let you do it, Jake.