Friday, September 20, 2024

The Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina

You know I don't think there were ever "good Repulicans," but the only people who have even made any effort to maintain this myth recently are nostalgic Democrats.
Now, just to be clear, this a candidate for a major, statewide office from one of the two major national political parties calling for extrajudicial killings. One also might venture to say that this was sounded just a teensy weensy bit…fascist? But according to both some left-wing academics and J.D. Vance such rhetoric is out of bounds: it’s grossly propagandistic if not contributing to violence itself. Well, okay, let’s see what Mark Robinson he thinks of himself… “I’m a black NAZI!” he wrote on an online forum according to a CNN report that also turned some other choice comments, some of them on porn sites. And you know what, good for him! This is America! You can be whatever you want. This is the land of the free, the land of opportunity. Don’t let anybody tell you can’t be black and a Nazi. Before you shake your head at what Donald Trump has turned the Republicans into consider for a moment his contribution to civil rights here: who else could have integrated National Socialism. Sounds impossible, right? They said it couldn’t be done. But he did it. This must be what he means when he says, “Make America Great Again!”

Robinson also might seem a little too…eccentric for a presidential candidate to want to get close to. Of course, that’s unless you’re a political genius like Trump. He praised Robinson to high heaven, calling him, “Martin Luther King on steroids” and “Martin Luther King times two.” But Robinson might not have taken that as a compliment. He called MLK Jr. a “fucking commie bastard” and regretted that he could not join the KKK as a black man or he “would have called him Martin Lucifer Koon!”

“Wow, this guy sounds really nuts!” Yes, and these are the Republicans today. This is it. For the billionth time, this who they are. They are lunatics who post racist stuff on porn sites. This is not a fringe, these are not lone whackos: This is the essence of the party; they are the Porn site Nazi guys. When Tim Walz just called them “weird” he was being extremely kind, or, at least, Midwest nice.