Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why Not Two Years Ago?

I get some complaints about posts like this in the "HOW DARE YOU NOT SUPPORT UKRAINE" genre and, I dunno, it wasn't me who decided that there was a good reason NOT to launch US missiles into Russia. Was that the wrong choice? I mean, if you're changing your mind now then obviously you think it was?

The thing about "foreign policy" generally is that it's the area of political decisions that The Left is furthest from - our guys aren't running State and the Pentagon and the CIA - so even if there's some grumbling from the sidelines that annoys you, "we" aren't responsible for what is happening! Ever! Not even a tiny bit! Not unless you believe "articles in The Nation convinced Saddam Hussein that the US's resolve was limited" type reasoning beloved of neoconservatives.

Maybe those missiles should've been launched into Russia from the beginning! Maybe not! If not, why is it a better idea now?