Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Also The Democratic Party

I know this is a horrible Both Sides post which will make you all hate me, but currently almost no one in the broader Democratic-Industrial complex is willing to say what they think - and what is accurate - about what is happening with Israel, broadly defined, because they, too, will lose their club membership.
In fact, simply saying the truth is a sign of disloyalty in Trump’s Republican Party, where reality has been destroyed and rebuilt by Trump’s fictions.

Enforced fictions are incredibly destructive, and not just about the current issue.  If left to fester they will corrode everything. I really am begging people to speak up, and I am not optimistic that omerta falls the day after election day.  

I am also not optimistic about any meaningful policy changes, but even more than that, the general toxicity of the meek acceptance of enforced dishonesty is incredibly damaging to the entire left of center institutional political project - electeds, media, nonprofits, etc. The credibility of all of it is dissolving.

Don't believe outsider me? Steve's deep inside.

The best time to realize this was about eleven months ago, the second best time...