Friday, October 25, 2024


One feature of The Discourse is that people and organizations and governments get slotted in as designated baddies which everyone must furiously denounce regularly. Do you denounce them? Do you denounce them standing on one leg? Do you denounce them while juggling? Have you denounced them since breakfast?

Sometimes, somehow, a baddie gets off that list. Often we see SOME people need not denounce them, SOME people can be associated with them, while others are disqualifed by their (often tenuous) association.

I remain most "amused" by the Saudi government and its relevant important persons. Even after they bonesawed Kashoggi, the Saudis only briefly became baddies and then they become good again. There is certainly no cost to being associated with them.

Consider how rotten the core DC political-journalism culture is that their dear colleague was bonesawed and they all quickly decided it was best to forget about it!

Of course that could change tomorrow! These things are indeed funny like that.