Monday, November 25, 2024

Hello People Can Hear You

When high profile people with loud microphones say things like, "we need to distance ourselves from trans people," do they know that people can hear them? Trans people can hear them, other marginalized groups can hear how disposable they are, people who like human rights can hear them, and even people who don't like trans people can hear this being asserted as a morally bankrupt political strategy.
What swing and irregular voters love, most of all, are politicians who loudly proudly stand for nothing. Just Carville 101.

It reminds me of all the public handwringing post-2004 about how the Democrats needed to find God, and that the way to do this (aside from turning against abortion, which was the only real policy advice) was to pepper their speeches cynically with Bible allusions. Just learn to speak the language of the God Botherers! Those idiots will respond to these magic words!

Whatever the merits, some advice needs to be said behind closed doors! Your audience isn't the group chat! People can hear you!