I have a friend (Catalan) who is a big deal in the opera world. Years ago he was flying to Chicago for work-related stuff. He was supposed to attend a show that evening, but was barely going to make it, if at all, given the timing of the flight arrival.
Being in a hurry, after getting off the plane, he and his partner stupidly started running, which especially in the post 9-11 era was a bit of a nono. It was certainly a lot of a nono before clearing immigration/customs.
A security guard quickly stopped them.
Uh, sirs, what the hell do you think you are doing?
My friend [flustered and determined, with far from perfect English]: I am going to see [Spanish accent/pronunciation] Oh-pay-rah!
The security guard sprung into action, quickly escorted them to the front of the line, and rushed them through.
His partner, also Catalan, but much more familiar with the US, had to explain:
He thought you were going to be appearing on Oprah.