Friday, January 31, 2025

Highly Paid Advanced Politics Knowers

That they believed this shows they do not understand anything about politics. You don't satisfy anti-immigrant sentiment by touting your very sensible bipartisan plan to be very tough on immigrants indeed. You satisfy it by going on TV and being a big racist, though that doesn't even satisfy it, it just feeds it.

People tout polls saying even dem-leaning people thought immigration was an important issue, but this is mostly because their leaders (Democrats) went on TV and agreed it was.

Generally you don't beat conservatives on their home field, and Dems have been insisting they can my whole life.

People might have "legitimate concerns" about immigration. It is a genuine policy question and reasonable non-racist people can argue about the details (love or hate immigration, our system is a fucking mess!). But once it becomes a live cable news issue all of that is out the window.