Sunday, February 09, 2025


A big criticism I have always had of these characters in movies and similar is that their motives rarely make any sense. Either it is nonspecific "I WANT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD" stuff like Brain in Pinky and the Brain or some peculiar specific goal that isn’t even well-served by whatever evil plan that is being hatched.

But I get it now after seeing Musk.  He is a true solipsist who sees the world as a video game and other people as "non player characters." He is trying to "win" and if he can't he will unhappily unlplug the whole thing.

There was a funny Bernie-inspired debate a few years back about whether billionaires should be allowed, with all the usual dipshits lining up in favor.  Point to Bernie, I think.

The author of the linked piece has since said "ooops, my bad" which I think he has about every single major position he has publicly taken in his life.  Points for growth, but has he considered shutting the fuck up?