"I believe that this administration, in less than 30 days is in the midst of a massive collapse, in particularly a collapse in public opinion," Carville said.Trump's not popular, but he isn't unpopular either. The debt limit and reconciliation haven't happened, but Republicans seem to love the "We can just zero out spending we don't like" plan so I supect they will!
Carville pointed to the drop in approval ratings Trump has seen in the four weeks since he returned to office.
"This is the lowest approval, not even close, that any president has ever had at a comparable time," he said. "That's a provable fact."
Carville said he does not believe Republicans will be able to lift the debt limit or pass a reconciliation package, and that GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson will be forced to reach across the aisle for help from Democrats. "That is going to be the equivalent of stacking arms. It's over," he said.
Carville's similar NYT piece gave himself a massive out:
At this rate, the Trump honeymoon will be over, best case, by Memorial Day but more likely in the next 30 days30 days, 90ish days, whatever. What Carville was selling was the leadership (both of them!)-going-on-book-tours plan of doing nothing and letting America react all by itself with no prompting from Dem politicians.
I don't know how they expect people to find out what is happening unless they tell them loudly and repeatedly.
James, himself, realized that he has no idea how people get their information! FUCKING ASK PEOPLE WHO DO and they will tell that unless you make noisy news, and repeat it, no one will hear about it, and mainstream news sources are deferential to 1) power 2) Republicans.
(reader t reminded me)