Monday, March 24, 2025

These Are Your Voters

It's quite clear the Dem all got together, after the election, and decided they need to be as quiet about Trump's immigration actions as possible.  But I don't think they get that these are you voters!  Not people with green cards, who don't vote, but their spouses and their kids.  

The internet tells there are 13 million green card holders.  Those families add up!  I'm not saying it's fine to abuse people who only have normal visas - or anybody! - but people who imagined they were permanently settled now can't safely travel outside of the country without fear of being ripped from lives they thought were firmly established.

I know many people think, "oh they should just know to vote against the bad orange man party, no matter what secret signals the Dems are trying to send to Joe and Eileen Bailey," but why would they if Dems are up there barely distancing themselves from this stuff?