If the supposed leaders weren't going to lead, other people were. They might be disgusting lefty legislators or it might be nasty protesters or someone else. That was obvious. If the "moderates" want to lead, they can they can lead!
But it is worrying some moderate Democrats who fear Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez could tug the party to the left at a time when it is rudderless and turn off swing voters in the process.The best metric in American politics: contributions to the Third Way.
Matt Bennett, a vice president at the center-left group Third Way, said he is glad that the rallies are “giving people an outlet for that anger” against Trump. But he argued that “crowd size is the worst metric in American politics” and “it is important that they not repeat the mistakes that the far left has made that helped get us into this mess in the first place.”
"Trump is bad, we should stop him" was the easiest position to take and they fucked up!